هذه المدونة لمادة اللغة الأنكليزية للمرحلة الثانية لطلاب قسم تقنيات أدارة المكتب وتقنيات المحاسبة وتقنيات ادارة المواد .....يرجى الأستماع اللى صوتيات المادة وحلول التمارين الموجودة في القرص الخاص بالكتاب .....

الأربعاء، 30 أكتوبر 2019

الفصل الأول P. 6 حلول الفصل الأول

الفصل الأول P. 6

Where were you born? In Morocco.
What do you do? I’m a teacher.
Are you married? No, 1m single.
Why are you learning English? Because I need it for my job.
When did you start learning English? A year ago.
How often do you have English classes? Three times a week.

My name's Maurizio Cell. I (1) come from Bologna, a city in

the north of Italy. I’m a student at the University of Bologna.

1(2) I'm studying modern languages — English and Russian.

I also know a little Spanish, so I (3) can speak four languages.

1(4) I'm enjoying the course a lot, but its really hard work.

The course (5) started three years ago.

1(6) live at home with my parents and my sister. My brother

(7) went to work in the United States last year.

After I graduate. 1(8) I‘m going to work as a translator. I hope

so, anyway.

الثلاثاء، 29 أكتوبر 2019

الفصل الاول p . 7

 الفصل الأول قطعة Carly Robson 


Complete the  questions about Carly 

1-Where does she come from?
2-Where does she live?
3-Who does she live with?
4-What is he studying?
I5-is she enjoying the course?
6-How many languages does she speak?
7-When did her course start?
8-What is she going to do after she graduates?
1-She Comes from Australia.
2-She lives near London,
3-She lives with her husband and three children.
4-She’s studying art.
5-Yes, she is.
7- A year ago.

8- She’s going to look for a job in an art gallery or museum.

Listen to Carly and write the answers to the questions 

Hi. My name’s Carly and I come from Australia. But I live near London now with my husband Dave and our three children. I came to Britain fifteen years ago when I got married.I’m a student with the Open University. This means I watch special programmers on the television and work at home . Isend my work to my course teacher every week. I’m studying art and the course is really interesting. At the moment. I’m reading about Italian painters in Italian, which is difficult because I only speak a little Italian! My course started a year ago and It’s three years long. After I graduate. I’m going to look for a job in an art gallery or museum.